Tuesday, June 29, 2010

bareness of my blog

I was once so proud of what i did with my blog but now I've decided its far to bland and boring... looks like tomorrow may be a break out the rusty codding skills day and try to make it a little more interesting or at least more bearable. If anybody has some cooly gadgets they like let me know and i'll check them out!

One thing I'm thinking about doing is adding random countdowns after a learn how to make a flash countdown. think it might be a little interesting :) opinions?

been a while

It's hard to motivate myself to write on my blog considering i can really only think of one maybe two people who look at it but i've decided to continue doing it more for myself then others.

I have lately trying to break myself of my computer which has obviously been failing miserably but i would like to say that i have successfully stayed away from social networking sites (would you say blogging counted? if so then i fail....) so far breaking myself of computer has excluded watching death note and playing dragon age origins :) i think its hopeless :P

As i mentioned earlier i have started watching death note and i am loving it so far :) :) can't decide if its bad that when i first saw L i thought of me.... Anyway I've already watched the first 15 episodes maybe more. A couple nights ago i stayed up tell 3 watching it and forgot to check which episode i'm on because if i did i know i would have just started the next one :P

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